This is a page especially devoted to my interesting hobby of collecting and breeding tarantulas and other invertibrates.
Eventually this page, too, will have photos of my current "stock" and other creepy crawlies.
Aphnopelma Hentzi
Colorado Brown (female)
Avicularia Avicularia
Guyana Pink Toe (female)
Avicularia Versicolor
Antilles Pinktoe (female)
Brachypelma Boehmei
Mexican Fire Leg (female)
Brachypelma Smithii
Mexican Red Knee (female)
Chromatopelma Cyaneopubscens
Greenbottle Blue (unknown)
Cyriopagopus sp.
Singapore Blue (female)
Ephebopus Cyanognathus
Blue Fang (unknown)
Grammostola Rosea
Chilian Rose Hair (female)
Haplopelma Lividum
Cobalt Blue (female)
Poecilotheria Regalis
Indian Ornamental (female)
Psalmopoeus Irminia
Venesuelan Suntiger (female)
Pterinochilus Murinus
Usambara Baboon (unknown)
Theraphosa Blondi
Goliath Birdeater (male)
Other arachnids, and creepy crawlies: |
Emperor Scorpion
Pandinus Imperator
Giant Tanzanian Tailless Whipscorpion
Damon Diadema
Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches
Gromaphadorina Protentosa
Chinese Red Head Centipede
Giant African Black Millipede
Archispirostreptus Gigas
Giant Vinegaroon
Mastigoproctus Giganteus
These are some of my "more interesting" shots:
Goliath Birdeater laying eggs (9/19/08) |
SOME of my favorite sites to visit are:
Forums and other useful info...
Rick West
Swift's Invertibrates
Botar by 8's
Golden Phoenix
Krazy 8's Invertibrates
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